How To Cancel Your Phone Plan

We’ve all been there: A cell phone provider offered us an incredible deal or amazing service once upon a time, but years have gone by, and that major carrier just isn’t delivering the bang for your buck that they used to. Though it might feel like an awkward breakup, you know it’s time to cancel your service and move on to something better.

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The 20 Best iPhone Hacks You Should Be Using

You use your iPhone every single day. It’s by your side from morning until night, for everything from work to play to relaxation. It seems like your iPhone can do anything, but are you sure you’re using your mobile phone to its fullest potential? What if we told you there’s even more that little rectangle can do? 

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How To Tell if Your iPhone Is GSM or CDMA

With the shutdown of GSM and CDMA networks, it is more important than ever to be able to tell if your phone is going to be impacted. By the end of the year, you could have a device that can only connect to Wi-Fi, losing access to your contacts and also losing the ability to text overnight. If you don’t want that to happen to you, then make sure your phone is going to survive the GSM and CDMA shutdowns with these steps.

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